Monday, May 5, 2008

i just wanted to inform the General public that i have to write a paper about an enGlish maGician and enGlish maGic and john uskGlass and Gilbert norrell and jonathan stranGe and the G key on my computer is GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGone. oh, did i mention the raven and fisher kinGGGGs???
ThouGht you Guys miGht Get a lauGh out of that....I know finals week is stressful....


Janessa Hogans said...

you're silly.... and you're like..... 10 inches away from me.... and we've been in the library for almost TWELVE hours... well... i have... you left... and yet, you've still managed to have twice as much of your paper done.... smart kids....ugh.... anyway.... good luck on paper... hope people enjoy hearing about your keyboard issues.... bah... need sleep.............

I use a LOT of dots......

Ellie said...

yes you do.

Court said...

So, after hearing the story, I had to come check this out. It definitely brightened my day. Do you have any peanut butter cups left?

P.S. Yes, you did use a lot of dots.

Laurie S said...

Aw... I'm sorry.

I was up for 39 hours straight if it makes you feel better.

I woke up at 9am on Sunday and went to bed at midnight on Monday.


Sleep is good, kids.