Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Anti-Hero vs. the Hero *Maybe my paper topic?*

I keep trying to make all of the character's into anti-heroes but I don't know if that is really the case, but I'd love to hear everyone's opinions on it. In fact (continuing on our male pair theme from earlier), throughout the novel I kept trying to put together heroes vs. antiheroes with a couple of villians thrown in. The character's who play the more minor roles fit into the categories much easier. Wellington is definitely a hero- handsome, dashing, and intelligent he basically wins the war with one arm tied behind his back. Vinculous is an anti-hero all the way. As for Strange, I keep finding support to put him in both categories. He is ironic and self-effacing like an anti-hero but he chooses to use his magical talents to help his country like a hero would. Someone help me out on this one. I like the idea of the Byronic hero that Casey published in an earlier comment. Now, I know some people in our class want to make him the villain but I would also argue to put the Gentleman in the anti-hero category. Stephen is totally the text-book hero, rising against the odds of society blah blah blah. As for Norrell, well, I guess if I had to I'd call him a hero for the same reason as Strange is but I daresay he's look nearly as good in tights and a cape!
I might try to stretch this into a paper. Everyone else has already picked their topics so I'll jump on the bandwagon. We'll see..

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