Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A few notes on zombies

George A. Romero, creator (40 years ago) of the Zombie As We Know It, on the topicality of his horror movies:
I see something shitty happening in the world, and I slap some zombies on it.
That line is quoted by Peter Travers in his Rolling Stone review of Romero's fifth zombie movie, Diary of the Dead (2007). Later, Travers notes:
When I mentioned to Romero that universal cremation could put him out of the zombie business, he laughed like hell.
There's your ultimate zombie contingency plan: mandatory universal cremation.

In the meantime, maybe what Tuscaloosa needs is a good zombie walk.

In other news, my 2004 story "Zora and the Zombie," which is about Zombies pre-Romero (and with a capital Z), will be reprinted later this year in The Living Dead, edited by John Joseph Adams for Night Shade Books. The table of contents includes such fine stories as Link's "Some Zombie Contingency Plans," Dale Bailey's "Death and Suffrage" (which inspired the Masters of Horror episode Homecoming), Joe Hill's "Bobby Conroy Comes Back from the Dead" (about a romance that blossoms in Pittsburgh during the filming of Dawn of the Dead) and Scott Edelman's recent Stoker Award nominee "Almost the Last Story by Almost the Last Man" -- along with stories by Sherman Alexie, Clive Barker, Poppy Z. Brite, Harlan Ellison, Neil Gaiman, Laurell K. Hamilton, Stephen King, George R.R. Martin, Robert Silverberg, Dan Simmons, Michael Swanwick, our own Jeffrey Ford, etc. I'm honored.

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