Friday, April 4, 2008

As a whole...

So, this is a little late, but honestly I still had a few more pages that I didn't finish before class due to exams and what not, and I wanted to finish before I posted or read anyone else's posts for that matter, even though some of the things were spoiled by our in class discussions anyway.

So, I thought that the book was a little boring and really slow until around page 600 (of 1006), and that is still pushing it. I didn't really get into it until the last 200 pages. With that said, I now feel that I really enjoyed the book as a whole. It's like one of those things that you look back on and remember that you were miserable the whole way through, but you really got a lot of good from the whole experience. Does that make sense? It's a little like high school to me. I hated high school....I thought it was a big waste of time, and that I could have learned all of the information that we were supposed to know in half the time because of all of the horsing around that everyone did, and all of the dead space where I was forced to sit and do nothing like watch a G-rated movie. I was miserable, but now that I look back, I realized that a lot of the things that happened that had nothing to do with learning really made an impact in my life. So this is how I think it relates to Clarke. I think that she provided us with a lot of little stories and went off on tangents that really could have been left out, but when I got to the end, I appreciated them. I can't think of any specific examples at the moment, but I just really feel better for having read all of it and not just reading the "fun stuff." I don't really know if that makes any sense at all. I'm going to think about that, and try to make sense of what I mean.

All in all, I liked it.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Your post mirrors my situation and thoughts exactly (get it? Mirrors? Haha). I actually read the last 4 chapters of the book during last week's class; it was just so dense and long of a read. I also agree about the tangents. At first, I thought that it was totally unnecessary to have the book be that long. It was just going to be so tedious that I'd fall asleep reading it. But the more I read through it, the more I appreciated the little details that were included. They helped me understand the relationships between all the characters and actually made me like the book more.