Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Big Books Aren't So Bad!!!!

Okay so this is the second time that I have accidentally pressed enter before I finished writing my title! Why my pinkie has a mind of its own, I just dont know!?!? Anywho, I have to admit that I am not quite finished reading yet myself. However, this book is seriously too good to put down once you get into it (and it did take me a minute). Before I continue I have to tell ya'll my spring break story. So my birthday just happened to be the thursday of spring break and I decided that my family and I would have lunch at Olive Garden. So of course I had my handy dandy bible sized version of Mr Norrell and Jonathan Strange so conveniently with me in my lap while we were wanting to be seated. All of a sudden this hostess comes up to me and says, "Wow, that is the best book ever! Are you reading it now?" and of course I say yes. In casual conversation about the book I happen to ask her how long it took her to finish it (trying to give myself hope) and she said 2 months!!!! My mind was saying...Noooo...! That was definitely not the answer that I was looking for. She told me that the ending was great so I am definitely looking forward to it. Oh, one last quick note. I have to say I found it hilarious when Strange was helping in the war and he brought those corpses back from Hell. When they were screaming the hell language (before he spit in their mouth...totally gross), it didnt freak Wellington out that Strange had conjured dead men up from hell. He was more impressed that they learned the language of hell from only being dead for three days! Hahaha...it was funny! More to come...


Jessica Trevino said...

I have gotten the same response from a couple of people on how the book is totally worth all this suffering.

I was laughing my butt off at the dead soldiers too! I love how they follow him around like sick puppies after their mom.

Amy said...

I know, it was kind of adorable in a creey zombie sort of way! And, I would agree, the ending was definitely worth suffering through the boring first 2/3 of the book.

Casey S. said...

I really enjoyed the whole 'zombies' bit because it almost didn't fit in with all the proper Victorian happenings. Dead, mutilated soldiers screeching in a language of Hell? And yet Clark still makes it sound so uppercrust...

Anonymous said...

I feel like zombies are following me everywhere! (Not literally.) Ever since we read "Zombie Contingency Plans," they really have been in almost every piece of literature I have picked up... Monstrous Regiment, Jonathan Strange, etc. I screamed when I was read THE BIBLE and came across Matthew 27:51!!!!!

"And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;
And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God."

I'm done seeing dead people!

Anonymous said...
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lsbass said...

Haha who would have ever thought zombies would be so common? That's what I like about this class. No matter what we read, if I look hard enough I can find these stories all around me. Of course, that works with everything but still, I like seeing how fantasy can mesh with reality.