Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Agh, I know I am a cutting it a little close with the posting here so I will try not to repeat to much of what everyone else has already said. My favorites this week were "Fourteen Experiments", "Journey", and "Cup and Table". I really, really liked "Journey" and to continue with Jessica's post, would like to say that I was completely fooled. Here I was, reading this tragic love story about ghosts in a lighthouse and then BAM! it turns into a firsthand account of a psychopath (whoa Alex, whoa). I get the whole life imitating art and really Alex and Agatha are the actual tragic love story not Ezekiel and Agatha but still... I am impressed by Rickert's ability to throw in a surprise, twist ending and really the writing style was entirely spellbinding. I just felt like the end kind of turned into one of those flashy "dramatized" documentaries of a serial killer. Actually, the whole life and fantasy being intertwined and inseparable reminded me a ton of "Pan's Labyrinth!!" Anyone else think so?
I know this is getting long but P.S. "Cup and Table" = phenomenal! I haven't read an off-the-wall original story like this in ages. The guy who eats everything and takes on their properties? Love it!

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