Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Comments from Renee

Hey, so I had a weird feeling of beig transported back to the science fiction version of this class while reading "Another Word for Map is Faith". But you know, it made me wonder how exactly the world shifted by degrees. Do the people there start to believe that that earth is really shaped a different way or what? And I was a little disappointed that they didn't have villagers chasing after them for taking away their lake at the end. It was all just kind of like 'tada' but without an exclamation mark.

I kind of wonder if the driver was going to be eaten at the end of "Directions", but other than that it was a little too short for me to get very involved with it.


Jessica Trevino said...

Directions was so disappointing! I hope I'm not offending anybody... but ugh. It was so frustrating because it didn't seem well-developed. It seems like somebody just sat down and scribbled nonsense, and put it together.

lsbass said...

This one seemed a little heavy on the sci-fi to me too. Not a bad thing, necessarily just outside of my fantasy comfort zone. But really I need to explore new genres and not count them out automatically because I like to categorize things in a very OCD way. So I am glad we read something a little different!