Tuesday, March 4, 2008

These stories rock...in America.

So, I'm not really sure what to write this week because I am not assigned to any of the stories and I don't want to steal the thunder of the person who is assigned. So I guess I'll just say what I liked about the stories and I won't get too deep. I thought that "Fourteen Experiments in Postal Delivery" was an awesome story. I really liked the fact that Christopher sent Jessica Saturday in the mail. I mean, how awesome is that?! He sent her the day and everyone got a day off! And then he sent her Spain! Now, the end was kind of weird, but I still enjoyed it. Now, "La Fee Verte" was somewhat interesting but not my favorite. "Cup and Table" was okay and I did find it amusing that massive amounts of drugs helped to amplify their powers. I didn't really connect with any of the characters, though. Except maybe Carlsbad. I don't know, I thought he was interesting, because even though he was made up of all the world's evil, he himself was not evil. I actually really liked his character. The last two stories were good. I really liked the stories in "Journey into the Kingdom". It might have been one of my favorites that we read this time. "The Muldoon" was also interesting. I feel bad for the kids and I'm definitely creeped out by gross great-grandmother phantoms trying to get little kids. It sucks for Miriam because it's really not her fault that Martin fell down. I mean, it was just a bad situation that she got blamed for, especially since she has to live with the secret that her grandfather let his mother and his mother-in-law die. But still, a good story nonetheless. I find myself more creeped out that a person could let his mother die then the creature that lives in the house. So, there we go, I wrote something. Hurray for me! See you all tomorrow!

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