Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Hello All!!! you might have noticed that I happened to not be in class last Wednesday. Well this is only because of the most obvious reason...I wasnt quite finished. I just couldnt bare to go to class and have the end of the book revealed to me!!!! I would have been crushed. Especially since that girl at Olive Garden told me that the ending was amazing (last post). I have to admit that she was right! I loved the end! It did make me sad I must admit. I almost cried : ( I hate to get to the end of a really good book because I always feel that it cant really be the end. I wonder will Strange and Norrell ever be able to get out of the darkness? It didnt seem like Arabella really cared. She was just living it up with the Greysteels when Strange was gone. That kinda bothered me a little : (

Oh, I have to admit that the mad King and the pineapples were the most hilarious parts to me. When I read about the King dancing about and playing his little flute I got the most vivid scene of it in mind head. I also couldnt stop laughing when Strange had gone mad and wouldnt allow any more pineapples to go into the city. Wow! That was great! Well before I keep rambling on I will simply say that I thoroughly enjoyed the book!


Kalen said...

Pineapples! We keep bringing them up. Clark has quite the humor to come up with that one. I wonder if she is allergic to them.

Andy Duncan said...

Not to discount pineapples, which of course could be a paper topic all their own, Arabella's personality throughout would be interesting for someone to delve into -- her reaction to Strange's imprisonment, her manner and attitudes pre- and post-enchantment, etc. Maybe we haven't been giving Arabella, and Clarke's other female characters, enough attention.

Erica said...

In my opinion, Arabella's character became very distant once she was captured by the gentleman, and after that point, I kind of lost interest in her. I mean, I wanted her to be returned to the real world and for everything to be okay, but it's kind of like, once she wasn't a constant influence on the story, she didn't matter that much anymore. Her attitude and actions after escaping Faerie served to cement that idea in my brain. She just kind of floated away.

Erica said...

And...I loved the pineapple part too :)