Wednesday, April 23, 2008

If My Life Were a Fantasy Novel..

...there would be no stupid tests all the stupid time with stupid people asking stupid questions. My superhero power would be to eat whatever I want and not gain an ounce and of course my hair would always look perfect. Ok, I'm just kidding. Well, kinda anyways! Think about it though. In all of the short stories/novels we read in class, the protagonists always seem to get IT and but 'it' I mean the more important aspects of life. Running out of toilet paper of looking like an idiot in front of a cute boy never cross these people's mind. Instead, they swoop in and use their innate wonderfulness to save the day. This post sounds flippant but I think it's really neat to embrace the idea of living life in a big way, like the little girl in Pan's. Maybe I'll do that today. After all, I am innately wonderful I just can't do any magic. But really, neither could Batman and it all worked out for him.


Jessica Trevino said...

I love how the girl can just forget or fade out the reality around her. With so much suffering (her mom, nanny, town citizens) going on, it must be great to invent a whole other world and live in it. I do wish I could live a similar fantasy world. I want to be a princess !!!

Andy Duncan said...

I'm not sure del Toro means for us to envy anything about that kid's life.