Friday, April 25, 2008


Well, this is not my ideal playlist, but it's still fun. The first three songs are not really that great, but their humor merited passing along...

1.) "The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins" - Leonard Nimoy
2.) "I Am A Wizard" - Harry and the Potters
3.) "D and D" - Stephen Lynch
4.) "I Was Born (A Unicorn)" - The Unicorns
5.) "The Sad Witch" - Hefner
6.) "Noah's Ark" - Coco Rosie (*I swear this relates to fantasy!)
7.) "Bridges and Balloons" - Joanna Newsom (*A Narnia reference makes this fair game)
8.) "Spook House" - Clear Tigers (*Reminds me of "Botch Town")
9.) "Dead Man's Party" - Oingo Boingo
10.) "They Are Night Zombies! They Are Neighbors!" - Sufjan Stevens
11.) "Monster" - The Automatic

Hope you like it.


Anonymous said...

Between Nimoy and "D&D," your fantastic playlist validates me. Thank you.

Casey S. said...

You get awesome points for including Joanna Newsom, a D&D satire and Sufjan Stevens. Nice. Also, the playlist thingie is tres cool. Could I do it for my blog post, too? :D

Laurie S said...

Glad y'all dug it!
I figured we needed some DnD in our lives since we've talked about things like cosplay and fandom throughout the course.

Casey, I'm glad you found project playlist to be handy.