Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Screenplay/ Script

Hullo, all!

I was wondering if anyone knows where I could obtain the scripts for Pan's and The Devil's Backbone? Or am I just going to be stuck watching the movies with my finger on the rewind button and a notepad in my hand? (Susan, I'm sure this would be useful for you, as well) Thanks!

1 comment:

Andy Duncan said...

To my knowledge, Casey, neither screenplay has been published in this country, anyway.

At least finding dialogue on DVDs is easier than finding it on VHS tapes used to be.

As Roger Ebert has pointed out, until very recently movie critics wrote about movies based only on their imperfect memories, which is one way some famous dialogue got famously misquoted for generations ("Play it again, Sam," etc.). So if it's any consolation, Casey, keep in mind that you have a critic's tool that wasn't available to Pauline Kael, James Agee, Graham Greene, etc.