Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Tale of Woe

Okay, the title has nothing to do with the post. So, in accordance to popular demand, here is the list of authors that I would like Andy to stalk for an autograph. Alrighty, you don't have to stalk them if you don't want to, but if you know any of these people, let me know!! These are the authors of my childhood (that I still read, of course) and some that are more recent but I love them just as much.

Mercedes Lackey (if you have to stalk her, please! She was my favorite author in middle school and I still love her books!! Actually, she is still my favorite author of all time! I mean, really, Magic's Pawn? I cry every time I read it. Every time! It's crazy because it takes a lot to make me cry while reading. And the Joust series? Pure genius! Genius, I tell you!)
Tamora Pierce (another childhood favorite-I know she is technically young adult, but she is my hero! The Trickster's series and Terrier are amazing! Read them!)
Tanya Huff
Diana Wynne Jones (Please! I have to have Howl's Moving Castle signed!! Best book ever!)
Shannon Hale (a new favorite- read her if you love fairy tales!)
Sherrilyn Kenyon
Laurell K Hamilton
Raymond Feist (King of Foxes is perhaps one of my favorite books ever. It has a Count of Monte Cristo theme going on. Love the drama!)
P.C. Cast
Amelia Atwater-Rhodes (she basically rocks my socks)
Piers Anthony (what can I say, I love puns!)
Stephen King (he lived down the road from my grandparents for a while, but that was before I started reading the Dark Towers series, so I missed out on my chance!!)
Philip Pullman (I mean, really, do I even have to explain? This man is a genius!!)
Brian Jacques (his Redwall series kept me very entertained as a child- c'mon, talking animals! So cool! Can you tell that I still love his books?)
Susan Cooper (I love her books! And I rail against the people who raped an amazing book, The Dark is Rising, in that stupid movie, The Seeker! Shenanigans! )
Frederic S Durbin (I don't care that he isn't well known! Dragonfly is awesome and it should be made into a movie. A good movie! Although, i think he's in Japan right now, so this might be impossible. No pressure!)

There are quite a few more I could mention, but, well, some of them are dead, which doesn't work out. These are my absolute favorites. (Also, I would love J.K. Rowling's autograph (unlikely), but I won't put you under any pressure. I have a feeling that it would be nearly impossible to obtain.)

Also, if you ever see Eve Forward and Joanne Bertin, tell them to finish their series!! They were both supposed to have trilogies!! And they both left me hanging!!! Tell them to finish! Please!!

Okay, so back on track, just let me know if you know any of these authors well enough to bug them for an autograph for one of your darling students....or if you think they would be good natured about being stalked...

Okay, see you all tomorrow!!

Disclaimer: I was really tired while writing this, so place no importance on the crack comments included in this post.
-also, look up the cow fair episode of south park for the meaning behind calling shenanigans!


Andy Duncan said...

Amy, I'm sorry to say I know none of these people (except the way you do, by reading their books, or by knowing their reputations) with the slight exception of Tamora Pierce, with whom I have corresponded once or twice. So much for my being well placed in the field. I do know Stephen King's occasional collaborator, the brilliant novelist Peter Straub, if that helps my street cred any.

Amy said...

So, since you have corresponded once or twice with Tamora Pierce, do you think it would be stalkerish to ask her for a book signing...?