Monday, January 28, 2008

Foxglove Tea

I have a question for all of you...

You know the tea in Jupiter's Skull, does it remind you of anything? If any of you have pot-smoking friends, that might help. I have so many friends that say how great ideas pop up while they're high, but as soon as it's over, they forget everything they talk about. hmmmm.... maybe the author was a stoner. jk. Just thought it was interesting. Now, if smoking makes you have adventures like Jonsi and Maylee did, maybe I should take up the habit. jk again.


lsbass said...

Actually, Jessica that's exactly what I thought! The character's reactions (droopy eyes and slow speech) definitely seemed like they were smoking. I'm sure Ford had to realize that- maybe he was trying to convey that mind-altering state? A bridge to allow his characters to cross over?

Casey S. said...

Ford actually mentions how artists have a history of giving in to opium-induced delusions in order to get the creative juices a flowin' in the notes for another story, "Coffins on the River." Apparently (and I laughed at this) several readers got ticked off at him for putting drugs in his story about creativity. Yeah. Like Coleridge and Edgar Allan Poe didn't puff the magic dragon now and again.

ReneeRivas said...

I looked up foxglove just to make sure and it is apparently poisonous from its roots to its seeds. I, personally, find that pretty impressive - even its roots are poisonous. Look out earthworms.