Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My definition of fantasy...procrastinated version

I don't know how good I am at this, but I suppose I'll give it a try. I'll just type what I wrote verbatim.
"Fantasy is the exploration of that which only exists in the imagination. It is a genre that creates lands, characters, and concepts not familiar to this world. Many types of fantasy focus on some supernatural power, such as magic. Also within the realm of fantasy is the creation of different races and/or species. The Lord of the Rings trilogy is one of my favorite tales of fantasy. The fictional races of elves and dwarves play prominent roles in the story, as do the Hobbits and the magic of wizards."
Unfinished, yes, but I don't want to repeat too much of what people have said already (especially since this post is so late).

On the subject of the stories we read for class...what exactly is a Hortlak? I got frustrated when I attempted to try to decipher that dark, freakish story only to never be told the meaning of the title.

1 comment:

Casey S. said...

Through determined use of the all-knowing internet, I have discovered that 'hortlak' is the Turkish word for a ghost or phantom. On some sites, it is also related to zombies.

Isn't it fun to use foreign languages to confuse the heck out of your reader when said reader is already going crazy struggling with the vague storyline???