Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What is fantasy...

Hello everyone! This is also pretty much my first time posting on a blog (except for a brief attempt in high school which led me to the realization that I was too private to blog). It took me a few minutes to figure out how to make a new post...haha!

So, back to the purpose of this post. I guess I could say that I was introduced to the world of fantasy just like everyone else through Dr. Seuss, but wouldn't Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and Cupid count too? I think so. I think I'm much more of a novice to fantasy than many of the people in this class, and I hope you all won't hold it against me, but I haven't heard of half of the people we were discussing in class last Wednesday :/. I think that I have quite a bit to catch up on. What I have read; however, I am absolutely in love with! I really enjoyed Bunnicula as a kid, and I'm sure there are many more that I can't remember because I was a complete bookworm back then. I once thought everyone was strange for reading "children's books" when Harry Potter first got big, but once I sat down to read one, I ended up reading the first 5 within two weeks. (That wasn't very conducive to studying for finals my freshman year :/) My current favorite books are Eragon and Eldest, and I was quite irritated at Christopher Paolini when he pushed back the release of the third book. I'm also "addicted" to World of Warcraft (Warcrack), and I finally had to cut myself off because that was also bad for my GPA. I'm going to also add Star Wars in here because I think it's a mix between Sci-Fi and Fantasy, and it's pretty great too!

I think I kind of did this backwards, but now that I've given you some personal experiences, I'll define fantasy. I think fantasy is simply any fictional piece of "art" which allows you to test the limits of your imagination and helps you to extend your mind beyond what is conceivably possible in "real life."

The end.

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