Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Yes, I too forgot about the blog...

Right. So. Fantasy. About that...

My experience with Fantasy began in my early childhood years (say between 4 and 6?) with my parents reading The Chronicles of Narnia and The Lord of The Rings as bedtime stories (my mother does an excellent Gollum voice FYI). Obviously, it made an impression on me. I was that girl in the tattered fairy wings left over from Halloween running around her backyard waving a wand-sized stick. My bike's name was Shadowfax. The myriad of My Little Ponies in my bedroom waged epic battles against evil teddy bear tyrants. I was hooked.

And ever since, I've been interested in the genre. Most of the books I read for pleasure end up containing some fantastical element or another. Favorites from now and then include: Patricia C. Wrede's Enchanted Forest Chronicles, Pullman's His Dark Materials, The Lord of the Rings, The Bartimaeus Trilogy, Madeleine L'Engle's The Time Quartet, Terry Pratchett's The Wee Free Men, and many others...

As far as a definition goes, I will transcribe what I wrote in class:
"The genre of Fantasy can be defined as a [text] occurring within a world that does not follow the conventional rules of the 'real' world. OR a [text] that occurs within 'reality' as we know it, but the normal rules of this reality are warped and changed into a new set of rules."
This is probably too concrete, and needs to be abstracted more... but it's a starting point right?

Just as a side note:
Yeah... I was totally with Jessie at Dragon Con at least two out of three times.

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