Friday, January 25, 2008

Fairy Tales

Right. So, I totally saw a huge connection between Link's stuff and traditional fairy tales. I know we touched on this in class, but I really think it's interesting how she changes and morphs such traditional ideas into something new and exciting.

Thus, I will post a very useful link to a huge fairy tale archive!
Folklore and Mythology: Electronic Texts
The website holds tons of fairy tales and the numerous variations on them. My personal favorite is the Irish version of Cinderella (Fair, Brown, and Trembling), which mixes a traditional Celtic based story with the rough outline of Cinderella with Catholic influences. Oh, it is so weird! Some parts sound like Cinderella, others sound like they came right out of the Ulster Cycle. And there's a whale!

Anyway, I definitely dug how Link wove in the gruesome with the unknown and mysterious. Very Grimm. That skinless dog was excellent.


Casey S. said...

Thanks so much for the LINK. Lol.
I'm enjoying browsing.

Casey S. said...

Also- this is all kinds of irrelevant, but what year are you in Blount? I've been in the program a good little while, and I adore it. Which class are you taking right now?

Amy said...

Hahaha, Casey is so funny with her puns. Okay, my favorite story was The Green Knight (, which is from Denmark. And I don't just like it because my family is from Denmark. It's sweet and so different from the other evil stepmother fairy tales. So, yeah, cool times.

Laurie S said...

Oh, and Casey, I'm sorry it took so long for me to answer your question (I didn't see it!)... but I'm in my final year of Blount. I'm currently in BUI 401, the Worldviews class.