Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Let's talk about bags bay-bee....

Soooo......the story I chose to talk about today in class (and here on the blog apparently) is "The Faery Handbag" which I'm assuming everyone's read by now. I'm not assuming however that everyone's read Catskin.....c''s the last story....we're college kids.....we procrastinate.....but anyway....back to what I was saying....

I volunteered to do this story for one, because it was the first one and I thought it'd gimme some good brownie points to go first, and for two, because the name really intrigued me...I love faeries....alot....I'd like to BE a faery.....but alas....I'm too tall.....(and too round)....

The story itself was sort of a disappointment to me. I found the idea of a secret people and a magic handbag and wonky time passage pretty entertaining, but I really wish the story wouldn't have just stopped. It was like by the time I got a grasp on the story and the characters, and could finally settle on a way to pronounce Baldeziwurleki in my head, it was over. No conclusion....just left me hanging. It was sad.

Anyone else feel this way?

Any other random comments?



Jessica Trevino said...

So far, it's my favorite story in the book since the others are so....almost normal? Many of them seem to be void of a large part of magic since only very minute details are fantastical. This one has fairies, so it raises it up by several notches, but it still needs more...

Kalen said...

This story was also my favorite. The rest of them were just too vague. Her writing style also gets to me. It just seems so choppy. Also, what on earth is up with her and mid air cannon sex?

Erica said...

I was wondering exactly the same thing. A lot of it made me laugh, but really, what's so sexy about a cannon?

Crystal E. said...

I am finding that the "leaving people hanging" is her style of writing for most of her stories :( It might be part of her tactic but it leaves me kind of say by the end of the story, "No! That's not how it should end!" Oh and the cannon story, I am still at a loss of words with that one. Maybe I missed the symbolism?!?!...

Court said...

So...I found it a let down that pretty much every story just abruptly ended. I guess that is just how she likes them??? I do have a favorite though...we just haven't been assigned it yet :). I've also noticed that she likes the work fuck. It's in quite a few of her