Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Like the rest of the people who have posted so far I also enjoyed The Empire of Ice Cream. I like how Ford writes in a very realistic fashion, the magical elements just kind of sneak there way in. Oh, so you eat coffee ice cream and envision a girl? But you're also a piano genius so of course you're a little quirky. I must disagree on one thing though: I thought Link was sooo much better. Completely subjective, I know. Maybe I just like her style better. Ford approached his stories like they were traditional novels: rising action action, climax, falling action, conclusion. Link was surprises on every page. Even though I was irritated at the way she left me hanging, I also appreciated her ability to do so. Not to completely rant, I did like Ford. He's very clear and develops his characters quite thoroughly and extensively (helloo Botch Town). He is more subtle which can be tough to do. Kudos Ford! Also, I couldn't help but to notice comparisons between the two authors as I was reading. Both loop their stories back into each other and some of the same names and places recur in different stories- for Ford Higbee Lane was in at least two pieces. My favorite? A Night in the Tropics hands down. Amazing!!

1 comment:

Casey S. said...

I'm really glad that someone mentioned the differences in Ford and Link. I also felt that Link had more of a knack, shall we say, for keeping her reader guessing until the very end when she ignores the end and keeps on guessing until she gets sick of the whole thing and throws the book across her dorm room and it knocks into her suitemate's bookshelf and then Stephanie gets mad at her because she is tired of her throwing books.
I personally liked Link better, even thought BOTCH TOWN, my personal Ford favorite, was also quite awesome. I really enjoyed how it incorporated a million LITTLE stories into one big story about life and death. Isn't that how the universe works?