Wednesday, February 20, 2008


So these stories were pretty good and they held my interest. So what's with the "eh," you might ask? I just didn't get the same spark I got from Link and Pratchett. I am trying to think of something different and wonderful to say than my fellow posters...hmmm... I did make sure to read "A Sob in the Silence" during the daytime or wow I never would have been able to sleep. It was a really well-written, fast moving story. I feel like I read an entire novel in thirty pages. Well, an entire Stephen King novel- who I tend to be wary about, seeing as I have an irrational ability to scare myself. Haha. I am looking forward to the next set of these stories. Maybe then I can figure out the reason why you picked them in this order like everyone else is wondering.


Jessica Trevino said...

I read sob in the silence, but I was very disappointed in the end. I wanted something more. I don't think his death was very well developed, or perhaps I wanted him to suffer much more for what he did, than simply drowning in mud. "EH". lol

Anonymous said...

When I read, I see things like a movie. I'm sure a lot of people do that. And I thought the ending was pretty darn good. I read it quickly because it seeemed like it was occurring so rapidly. I felt the complete panic that the writer was experiencing as he couldn't grasp the rope, and sank deeper. Such horrible, hopless fear is a very just punishment to someone that. But I agree. It wouldn't have hurt anything to see him suffer more. :)