Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Power of Words

I know several people were looking at writing their essay topics on the power of words. When I read "In the House of the Seven Librarians" this topic again came to mind. Whoever had this topic could talk about the power of words in the library. The library had some sort of a magical power or intelligence due to all the books being kept in such close proximity. This again reminds me of Terry Pratchett's books. Everything can be related back to them can't they? Anyway in his books the library at the Unseen University has some of the same characteristics as the one in the year's best. All of this is credited to the vast amounts of books contained here which according to Pratchett distorts the space time continuum.
Speaking of the power in magical books many fantasy stories also have this common theme of powerful words. Several stories such as the Drangonlance Chronicles and the Discworld novels contain magical books that can only be ready by the powerful. For anyone who has not been trained, these books will either be indecipherable or deadly. Anyway I hope this helps someone.

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