Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Pan's Labrynth!!!!!!!

Hello All!!!! So I have to say that I really liked Pan's Labrynth even though for some reason I was expecting a little more fantasticalness (not a word, I know but it works!). The fantasy elements were really good. The whole idea of her as a princess. However, I felt that it was not enough of her fantasy world shown. I wanted to see more. I think it is because I may be comparing it to Narnia. In that movie, I feel that there was an equal balance between the fantasy world and the real world. When I think back on the movie I remember most the aspects of the real world and the cruelty of her step father but not necessarily her fantastical adventure. I have to admit that at the end I did get a little teary eyed. Okay okay I am a big sap and even though I know that she went to her fantasy world (& lived happily every after) the way she had to die was just horrible!!!! I wonder though, is her baby brother going to grow up and have his own little adventure back to be reunited with his sister. That would be a great sequel!!!!! Next time though it should be more fantasy and less real world!

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