Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Now for the real thing

First of all, show of hands please for anyone wanting to try the Night Whiskey experience?? Hurray for drugs and trips because those elements make fantasy much more...fantastic. I really wish that we got to find out what really happened with the wife--or rather what happens after Ernest escapes. What does everyone think about Ernest (it is Ernest, right?) getting the premonitions about Henry Grass, but then the real tragedy happening to Pete? Interesting. I also was (pleasantly) surprised when Witzer enabled Ernest's escape. I didn't initially see him as someone who would provide the means to leave the town. Help yes, leave no. I'm still not sure if I think he did it to assuage his own guilt or because he genuinely wanted to help Ernest. I'm thinking it's the former, but I still like Witzer.
Secondly, I LOVED Femaville 29. That was awesome. The kids just KNEW what to do and they created an entire working CITY. Little kids have dumb-founding powers of imagination. Awesome. The disaster part: not awesome, but amazing in that it created an outlet and a use for the children's imagination. I was very sad when Parrish did not make it into Djamala with Izzy and Nia but at least the story was cautiously optimistic, leading me to think that maybe once Parrish is healed/recovered he will see Izzy and Nia again. Anyone else in favor of happy endings? I'm finding that there are not that many in the fantasy we've been reading.
I think this blog has rambled on long enough. :)


Court said...

I love how right below your post describing how much you loved Femaville 29, I described how disappointed I was in it. I'm interested to see what everyone else thought about it!

Ellie said...

Hahahah me too!! I saw yours as soon as I posted mine and was like "Oh. Well then."

Erica said...

I liked Femaville 29 too. Even though the story centered around a disaster, it still made me happy with the little kids heading up their own civilization.

Amy said...

Yeah, I'm not sure if I really liked the story in general, but I will say that I liked the fact that the kids were building an invisible city.

Casey S. said...

I wasn't all that fond of it because it was centered on a cliched sort of character. I just kept thinking about DIE HARD...

Kalen said...

Back to the Night Whiskey story. Was it just me or did that story leave some rather disturbing images in anyone elses head? I cant get the image of a screaming mad dead girl with blank eyes out of my head. I also could not help but wonder if she really died again when they shot her.