Monday, February 11, 2008

The ayahuasca circuit

This Los Angeles Times Magazine article on the increasing popularity of ayahuasca -- now given U.S. Supreme Court sanction -- casts light on the scientific and cultural background of Jeffrey Ford's "Coffins on the River."


jessie said...

Wow, I had no idea ayahuasca was real. Makes one wonder if this is another story based on a personal experience of Ford's. He does like to write semi-auto-biographically after all.

Andy Duncan said...

Comparing Ford's depiction of ayahausca with non-fictional depictions of it -- and looking at whether the experiences of Ford's characters imply any commentary about the nature or validity of such pharmacological rites -- would be an interesting paper topic for someone sometime. I would not, however, recommend drinking ayahuasca just to research this paper!