Monday, February 4, 2008


So I just finished Monstrous Regiment, which, I feel I need to say, is not a book I would have picked up to read on my own, and if I had, I doubt I would have continued reading it. HOWEVER, after I plowed through the first 50 pages, I was hooked. (Okay, so if you haven't finished, stop reading my post because it contains spoilers) The book was full of humor and stereotypes that Pratchett turned around and flipped upside down. The men...or the women...were so real and well-developed that I was cheering for the squad by the end of the book to not give up, and to not accept the "return to your dull lives as worthless women" offer that the OTHER women were giving them. The book was full of constant surprises as each character in turn revealed "his" secrets. I also appreciated the larger themes of war and the stupidity of people that so often causes it. Believe me, I can relate to the stupid people thing. So I wouldn't say for sure that I am a complete Pratchett convert, but I definitely enjoyed this one.


Jessica Trevino said...

I agree with Ellie on the not picking the book myself, but I'm so glad I read it. After the first 75-100 pages, lol, it finally became a page turner. I can't believe they were ALL women, especially all the ones who had real power. You know how some books have twists in the end, you sortof expect, or at least, are not wayyy surprised when you find out....well with this one, my jaw fell TWICE....when i found out about the general and other high-powered figures, and with jackrum. WOW

Kalen said...

"I was cheering for the squad by the end of the book to not give up, and to not accept the "return to your dull lives as worthless women""

Andy did a great job of picking this book for our class. I almost feel left out.